Pricing & Delivery


Our pricing is based on the cost of the items you purchase, the number of personal shopping services you use, and the shipping fee, which is determined by the weight/dimensions of the package.

However, we strive to keep our prices affordable. We prioritize quality and service over pricing, so please feel free to call us for a free inquiry!


Our standard delivery timeframe is 3-5 business days.

However, during major festivals, the higher volume of packages being shipped from various carriers may result in delays.

If you’re shopping for items for an event, we recommend allowing 7-10 business days for delivery, so you can rest easy without worrying about when your package will arrive!

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a best price guarantee guarantee guarantee for a product
a hand holding a coin with a dollar sign
a hand holding a coin with a dollar sign
a box with a tapered and a tapered box with a tapered tape
a box with a tapered and a tapered box with a tapered tape
a truck with a clock on it's side
a truck with a clock on it's side
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a satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction
a globe
a globe